I can’t help sharing with you what my new projects for 2013 are going to be:
- Spain needs a new model of Public Administration and I want to emphasis two aspects: It needs General
Managers to proudly take the lead of the responsibilities, the first of which is to provide their unit with a transforming mission in order to solve citizens’ specific matters. - Spain needs companies and governments to contact and understand each other in order to be able to get to a beneficial collaboration for citizens. It needs private company managers who want to get involved in the public affairs agenda and therefore public administration managers are ought to have a mission to share.
I have already started to provide training solutions (teaching and practical cases development), consulting and direct management.
Meanwhile, you can find me at:
- Email: enrique.mtnez@gmail.com
- Twitter: @enriquemtnezcan
- LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/enriquemc
Enrique Martínez Cantero